bio-home - Videos
Pr. Belpomme - President of European Cancer and Environment Research Institute -
French Only !!
WiFi in Schools is Safe. True or False
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Dr Magda Havas, Canada
The International EMF Scientist Appeal was initially
signed by 215 scientists from 39 nations.
Talk by former MI5 agent Dr Barry Trower, a physicist who worked for British intelligence. He explains Electrosensitivity and the dangers of Microwave and Wifi Radiation
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Dr Barry Trower
How WiFi & other EMFs Cause Biological Harm
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Prof. Martin Pall
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Pr Olle Johansson, Sweden
Shielding Magnetic field from wiring.
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Shielding Magnetic field from wiring.
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Michael R. Neuert, MA, BSME
16:9 - The Bigger Picture WI-FI in schools
WiFi Health Effects: Dr. Martin Pall to Portland Public Schools Board
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Prof. Martin Pall
Bio-Effects of Electro-Smog
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Dr. David O. Carpenter, Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at SUNY Albany
Live Blood & Electrosmog
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Dr Magda Havas, Canada